
Help create a fun and welcoming environment for students on Wednesdays or the Weekends! Our teams are full of faith, family, and fun. Here are some of the opportunities on our team for The Mix (5 & 6 grades), Middle School (7 & 8 grades), and High School (9-12 grades):

High School and Middle School (Wednesday Nights)

  • Hospitality Team - Prepares food and hosts dream team for CF/Student Dream Team each Wednesday.
  • Service Team - Manages logistical details of CF/Student environments and services. Assists with student check-in, counting students, resourcing group leaders, hosting the snack bar, etc.
  • Group Leader - Commits to leading a group of 10-12 students weekly for the group portion of CF/Students. The goal is that they are known, learning, and developing a faith in Christ that is their own.
  • Buddy Team - Provides a one-on-one volunteer to support Students with special needs as they participate in the worship experience.
  • Production Team - Helps enhance the worship experience through audio, video, and lighting. (Special training required.)
  • Dismissal/Tear Down Team - Ensures the safe dismissal of students after the Wednesday night program and resets the environments used.
  • Student Worship Team - Encourages wholehearted worship during our Student services on Wednesdays and weekends in The Mix. (Text WORSHIP to 441-441 to apply for this opportunity. Click here to learn more.)

The Mix (Sundays)

  • Group Leader - Commits to leading a group of 10-12 students weekly for the group portion of The Mix Service. The goal is that they are known, learning, and developing a faith in Christ that is their own.
  • Service Team - Manages logistical details of The Mix environment. Assists with student check-in, counting students, resourcing group leaders, and parent pick-up.
  • Production Team - Helps enhance the worship experience through audio, video, and lighting. (Special training required.)  

Next Steps 

Step 1: Complete the Volunteer Application by clicking the button below.
Step 2: Meet with one of our Team Leaders so we can get to know you and guide you through our Dream Team onboarding experience.
Step 3: You'll complete an online orientation, and we will provide on-the-job training. You’ll be partnered with a mentor who will help you learn how to have a great impact in the lives of our Students.
Step 4: Serve during our Wednesday night or Weekend services!

Please note:

  • Background checks are required for all applicants 18 years and older.
  • We ask anyone who has not completed The Journey to make it a goal to complete it as part of your onboarding and training experience. You can register for The Journey by texting “Journey” to 441-441.
  • If you are a middle or high school student, we believe the best place to consider serving would be in Christ Fellowship Kids!

Complete Application